Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Jihadi indoctrination of American children is active and spreading

 By Barry Shaw

We have witnessed indoctrination taking place in America’s elite universities, creating a conveyor belt of brainwashed Hamas-supporting activists.

Now evidence is emerging that Jihad promoters are poisoning the elementary educational system in America, too.

The jihadi savagery of Oct. 7, 2023, when thousands of Palestinian armed terrorists, eagerly followed by Gaza's citizens, stormed across their border into Israel in an orgy of murder, torture, rape, robbery, and hostage-taking.

This had been predicted by organizations dedicated to gathering the evidence of a generational anti-Semitic brainwashing in schools and summer camps across the Palestinian divide from Gaza to Ramallah. The warnings of these NGOs were ignored by Western decision-makers despite the evidence shown to them about Palestinian intentions.

Organizations, such as the Center for Near East Policy and UN Watch, documented the Palestinian schoolbooks filled with Jihadi indoctrination in classrooms and summer camps, leading children to pledge themselves to the annihilation of Israel and the murder of Jews.

The material, the evidence, is freely available, but Western organizations and governments continued to plow millions of dollars and euros into the Palestinian industry of hate and death.

Hamas propaganda on elite American campuses is well known, but now the target is American schoolchildren.

This brainwashing is being introduced into high schools and even into the elementary educational system in America.

One example, quoted in a Jerusalem Post article on June 7, 2024, titled ‘Portland’s teacher union creates anti-Israel program,” reported that the Portland Association of Teachers are promoting an indoctrination program for children as early as pre-kindergarten to high school in which the next generation of Americans will be brainwashed to delegitimize Israel, describing it as an “illegitimate settler-colonial state.”

American children are being taught to participate in Palestinian protests turning them into anti-Israel activists. CONTINUE


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