Friday, October 4, 2024


The Reprehensible Audacity Of FEMA Being Broke

We don’t even have the decency to fake as though we care about our own citizens anymore. Part of what I love about having this blog is that it is cathartic for me when I want to be heard, understood, or otherwise just bitch and moan about things in the world of finance, the economy, and politics that I find askew.

From the jump, one of the things I have written about is how dead wrong both sides of the political aisle have our fiscal and monetary policy. With monetary policy, both parties have quietly fallen in line under the mutated breed of Keynesian economics our Federal Reserve implements, which rests on the sole idea of printing money and praying that either hyperinflation doesn’t occur or the economy doesn’t collapse.

Republicans occasionally criticize the Federal Reserve and pepper in objections here and there about our abuse of the dollar, but when all is said and done, they fall in line behind monetary policy as it stands today. 

Democrats have gone full non sequitur and, through the miracle of faux-intellectual academic bullshit squared, have somehow convinced themselves that none of the basic rules of economics—such as debits and credits and supply and demand—exist anymore.

When it comes to fiscal policy, Democrats are the main offenders. Republicans have a longer track record of wanting to rein in spending and reduce the size of government, whereas Democrats are often pushing for larger government and more spending. 

There have been exceptions, like when Bill Clinton balanced the budget and when Donald Trump ran some of the largest deficits in the country’s history, but that’s the general gist of things.

No matter what lens you look at it through, the nation has racked up an accelerating tab of debt at a pace that is mind-boggling. For example, just over the last month, the United States added over $300 billion to our national debt, which is now fast approaching $36 trillion.

We have consistently shown ourselves to be unable to balance the budget, and no matter how much we tax our citizens, we are always going to wind up spending more than we are bringing in. It’s the American way for everyday individuals at home with their personal savings and credit cards, just as it is the American way for those who run our Treasury.

It’s been a mainstay of this blog that I believe our spending addiction is going to end very poorly for the United States. And sadly, I’ve made some peace with it. I truly don’t believe there’s turning back from the dire situation we’re in now.

But let me clue you in on something I haven’t made peace with.

After the devastating effects of Hurricane Helene, FEMA has all of a sudden come out and said it doesn’t have enough funds to make it through hurricane season. 

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas warned this week that FEMA is running low on funds.

“We are meeting the immediate needs with the money that we have. We are expecting another hurricane hitting,” Mayorkas said. “FEMA does not have the funds to make it through the season.”  CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE

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