Thursday, July 11, 2024

Tolerance Is A Polite Way Of Saying, ‘I’m Ok That People Will Spend Eternity In Hell’

Alex McFarland

As a minister, I am “duty-bound” to accurately present the content of the Bible. A true call from God will result in a desire to help people understand Scripture and apply it to their lives. But a faithful opening of timeless Scripture can generate some visceral pushback from audiences today.      

When I call out sin, point out errors in interpreting the Bible, or suggest that biology rather than emotions should dictate the discussion on human sexuality, I’m told that I need to be more tolerant. What exactly is tolerance in today’s society?

Tolerance is a manufactured, secular, socially manipulated and weakly constructed excuse for a sentiment. It is not a Christian virtue, a Fruit of the Spirit (Ephesians 6) or a command of Jesus. Only the “sparkle creed” suggests otherwise, and it is not a religious orthodoxy; it is a perversion of a traditional Christian statement of faith.

What is tolerance? The way the world imposes and enforces it, tolerance is a fabricated counterfeit of Christian love and genuine human compassion.

Instead of, “Let me help lift you out of your mess,” tolerance says, “I support your right to live as a disaster.”

A life-changing encounter with the Son of God promises, “You don’t have to stay this way, there’s a better, higher Way to live.” Tolerance says, “I embrace the fact that you’re broken. I will agree to underwrite the lie you can’t ever change.”

Instead of offering hope, rescue and peace, tolerance says, “I celebrate the falsehoods you’ve been told. I will also lie and tell you that the fatal, degrading, noxious Hell you’re living in is a valid, ‘alternative lifestyle.’”

The recipe for tolerance could be, “two parts guilt, a dash of pity, one-part spiritual blindness, with heavy doses of naivete. Mix in all oblivious ignorance available.” It is never the path to freedom; it is a guarantee of further torture, deeper debauchery and spiritual slavery.

Tolerance traps individuals and emboldens groups into a spiral toward physical torment and eternal death instead of telling them they can be free and have a new life in Christ.

I grew up on a North Carolina farm that my family operated successfully for 68 years. Any farmer can tell you if you tolerate weeds, you don’t get more compliant weeds. Weeds won’t agree to give your crops equal room, water, and sun. If you tolerate weeds, they grow faster and spread more. Weeds must be eliminated, have their roots exposed to the sun, and be uprooted and replaced with something better.

If you tolerate weeds, sin, the alphabet mafia, defund police, abortion as “healthcare,” legalized drug use or accept any form of lawlessness, the only thing you guarantee is more and worse lawlessness (Romans 4:7).

Jesus said that the increase in tolerance and various forms of lawlessness are signs of the last days (Matthew 24:12). Ignorance is another sign that we are nearing the end (1 Timothy 4:1-41 Peter 3:3).

We have the Bible, and for those who admit it, we have medical science and human biology; the facts are irrefutable. We cannot claim ignorance, only compliance. We don’t have any Biblical basis for being the world’s version of “tolerant.” Avoid that slippery slope; it leads to moral and societal destruction.


Preparing for Coming Shortages

 by Doug Casey

price controls

Inflation has recently hit its highest levels since the 1970s as governments worldwide are debasing their fiat currencies at breakneck speed. The cost of living is soaring, and it’s likely to worsen.

In this environment, it is typical for opportunists in government to implement price controls as a misguided solution.

Do you think we’ll see them soon?

Doug Casey: Government never controls itself. It only attempts to control its subjects. I expect the rest of this decade will resemble the 1970s as far as retail price rises are concerned, but it will be much more serious. As a result, the chances of wage and price controls are high.

We need to only look at the actions of Richard Nixon, who often put himself forward as being pro-business and pro-capital. In 1971, he put on very strict wage and price controls. But wage and price controls didn’t begin and they certainly won’t end with Nixon. The idea that government should control its subjects is part of the national DNA. 

As the Baby Bush put it in 2008, “sometimes you have to abandon free-market principles to save the free-market system.” His statement reminds me of the famous quote from the Vietnam era: “We had to destroy the village in order to save it.”

The government’s share of the economy is much larger now than it was in Nixon’s day. And the people in government are much more left-wing than they were during the Nixon regime 50 years ago. If the Democrats are reelected in November—which I expect, despite Trump’s current lead—you can expect them to further centralize power towards Washington.

Government, as an institution, is congenitally incapable of learning anything. The first example of wage and price controls was under the emperor Diocletian in late Third Century Rome, when he attempted to regulate the price of every good and service, from the largest to the smallest. It turned the Empire into a veritable police state.

I expect the US government to again use price controls in an attempt to disguise the effects of its accelerating debasement of the currency. Trillions of dollars of new debt are being monetized by the Fed every year; the result will be escalating prices. It’s perverse because, in a free market economy, prices would be dropping every year with the growth of capital and improvements in technology.

In any event, as things start falling apart and the standard of living starts dropping, people will cry out for government to “do something.” And it will. They think the government is a cornucopia when it’s actually a predator. War, a unique specialty of government, will be another major impetus for imposing wage and price controls.

We had wage and price controls during World War I and very serious wage and price controls during World War II. They were selectively reimposed for the Korean conflict and, of course, when Nixon was in office during the Vietnam War. With World War III brewing, wage and price controls will definitely be part of the agenda.


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