Monday, April 15, 2024

The Fundamental Unraveling of America

 By Albin Sadar

By now, it must be overwhelmingly apparent to every American citizen that what candidate Barack Obama promised on the campaign trail back in 2008 has come to pass. Obama touted a “fundamental transformation of America” if elected president and, once elected, he proceeded to accomplish that one huge goal. The question in 2024 is whether enough people want to make the effort to re-ravel America to the normal, constitutional nation she once was.

It can certainly be argued that the country experienced a slow boiling of the frog during the eight years of Obama’s presidency and that, during that period, the pot neither got to boil too long nor did the frog feel the heat intensely enough to hop out. The Democrats anointed Hillary Clinton to follow Obama to continue the unraveling of America’s constitutional republic, replacing it with their own interpretation of a “democracy.”

But, somehow, out of nowhere, a wrecking ball named Donald J. Trump collided with the original fundamental-transformation plan. That, as we all experienced, was only a temporary setback. Once the 2020 election was successfully rigged and stolen and a hand-puppet-Biden government was installed, Obama and his global handlers continued stirring and reheating the pot to the required boiling point.

As it turned out, this time around, turning up the heat also necessitated putting a lid on the pot because there was a real chance that the frog might finally catch on and attempt to jump out.

So, where are we now?

Image of our unraveled flag by AI.

The pot continues to frantically boil with the frog finally awakening to its fate—but trapped inside the pot. And the only one capable of removing the lid is that same old why-won’t-he-just-go-away-already Trump. Even with the onslaught of tactics straight out of the Jussie Smollett playbook (i.e., if you can’t find a crime, make one up) resulting in New York- and DC-style “fair” trials and verdicts, Trump continues to generate his own heat resulting in the heads of Democrats boiling—and sometimes even exploding.

What is it about Trump and, more importantly, about the movement that he has inspired? One could say that the MAGA movement is the Tea Party supercharged. The latter was pushback against Obama’s early years in office, with a large portion of the country seeing what “fundamental transformation” really means—pitting poor against rich, black against white, women against men, children against parents—and saying these are not the ideals upon which our country was founded nor for which it fought.

Can anyone stand in a cemetery and thoughtfully observe rows upon rows of simple, small, white crosses heading hundreds of graves that mark fallen soldiers and not reflect upon their noble sacrifices? Did these overwhelmingly young men and women not go off to war to fight tyranny overseas to preserve the God-given freedoms we peacefully enjoy here at home? What would any of them say today about their sacrifices? Would they really have gone off to fight to preserve the unraveled, fundamentally- transformed country in which we now find ourselves? A country where:

  • Wide-open borders allow an overwhelming influx of unvetted foreigners, along with human traffickers, drug pushers, killer gangs, dangerous diseases
  • Males claiming to be females win swimming meets and track races against girls
  • Graphic sex literature is made available to kindergarten and young elementary school children
  • Boys and girls are being told they can medically and surgically change their sex if it “feels right,” even without parental consent
  • Election Day has become Election Season, where one party can keep counting ballots until they have manufactured their desired outcome

And of course, rounding out this partial list is the fact that we are a country where the government vilifies and even jails the opposition party.

Whenever Democrats and the Far Left talk about Trump supporters, they always sneer when saying the name “MAGA.” In other words, they never say the words to which the letters refer. Why not? They do not want people to hear that those opposing their leftist views want to “make America great again.”

If you love this country, why would you not want to see it great, now and in the future? And the opposite is also true. If you do not love this country, wouldn’t you naturally want to change it in a whole other direction, thus the need to manufacture a transformation? CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE

Some thoughts on the cowardice of America’s leadership

 James Hickman

Iran, Russia, and China have all paid close attention to the weakness and cowardice of the Biden administration. They see the social and financial decay of the United States. The political instability. The woke priorities of the Defense Department. And they can barely believe their eyes.

They know that the guy with five decades of experience has no backbone… that he’s a corrupt, brainless stooge who bends to the most radical wing of his party. He stands for nothing, abandons his allies, and gives away the farm for absolutely nothing in return.

He traded away the most valuable Russian prisoner in US custody for a WNBA player. He freed up potentially tens of billions of dollars for Iran in exchange for little more than a phony promise that they won’t develop nuclear weapons. (But it seems the Ayatollah pinky swore, so it’s all good.)

He allows invasions and incursions of US territory… and not only does nothing but sues state governments to prevent them from securing the border.

He tries to prevent allies from defending themselves. He pathetically attempts to use the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to boost his sagging approval rating. And he caves anytime a belligerent nation threatens violence.

These are all signs of obvious weakness that adversaries are all too happy to exploit. Iran is just the most recent example.

After this weekend’s attack against Israel, Iran specifically warned the US against responding. Biden immediately wilted. It’s pretty clear who wears the pants in the relationship.

And just like the case of Attila, it never ends. Any treaty that is signed, any agreement that is reached, is simply a lie. They’ll never keep their word, and they’ll continue milking the obvious cowardice that is on display for the world to see.

Now, this story of weakness isn’t just about Joe Biden.  Congress is also weak and ineffective. Many courts and judges now ignore the rule of law and are simply activists in robes. The military is suffering a very public recruiting crisis, along with outdated weapons systems and critically low mission readiness.

It goes beyond government too. Big Media is a left-wing propaganda machine. Premier universities cultivate radicalism. Even Boeing can’t seem to build a quality aircraft anymore.

Optics matter, and the end result is undeniable: America appears far, far weaker from even just a few years ago. And adversaries have no intention of letting up.


Multiple Global Pestilences Threaten To Spiral Completely Out Of Control


Do you remember the nightmares that we experienced in 2020 and 2021?  Nobody wants to go through anything like that again, but right now multiple pestilences are raging all over the planet, and one or more of them could potentially spiral completely out of control.  For a long time, I have been warning my readers that we have entered an era of great pestilences.  Humanity’s ability to manipulate diseases greatly exceeds humanity’s ability to control diseases, and as you read this article scientists all over the world are monkeying around with some of the most dangerous bugs that humanity has ever known.  That is a recipe for disaster, and it is only a matter of time before we experience a crisis far worse than anything that we went through in 2020 and 2021.

In recent months, I have been keeping a very close eye on the bird flu. It has already killed hundreds of millions of birds around the globe, and now it is infecting mammals on a widespread basis. One expert that has been monitoring the bird flu for decades says that what we are witnessing right now is “extremely worrying”

MacIntyre describes the spiraling infections in animals as being “unprecedented” and says that urgent surveillance is needed to monitor whether H5N1 begins spreading between pigs or ferrets, animals which have a similar receptor profile to humans.

“I have been following H5N1 since 1997, and the current situation is extremely worrying,” MacIntyre says. “In the past, H5N1 epidemics in birds were sporadic and would die down after culling of infected poultry. Since 2021 the pattern has changed, and it has not gone away but steadily increased.” In this time, many new mammalian species have been infected. “Some may be suitable genetic mixing vessels to create a human pandemic strain,” she says. 

 As long as it was just spreading among birds, H5N1 was not a major threat to humans.

But now cattle all over the U.S. have been catching it.

In fact, cases have been confirmed in 21 herds in 7 different states

The H5N1 bird flu virus has been found in a dairy herd in North Carolina, said state Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler on Wednesday, making it the seventh state in a little over two weeks to report infected cattle. “We have spent years developing ways to handle HPAI [highly pathogenic avian influenza] in poultry, but this is new, and we are working with our state and federal partners to develop protocols to handle this situation,” he said.

So far, USDA scientists have confirmed bird flu in 21 herds in seven states. Texas has the most, nine, and Barron’s magazine said Texas officials believe the number of infected herds is much higher. The Texas Agriculture Department said on March 25 that “a mysterious disease [that] has been working its way through the Texas Panhandle” had been identified as HPAI. Texas state epidemiologist Dr. Jessie Monday said that 40 dairy farms had reported cows with symptoms of the mystery disease, said Barron’s.



Newsboys (Blessed Be Your Name) 2009

In this amazing way, God renews you at the beginning of each day

Its Not Falling Apart - God Is Making Everything Fall Into Place

God Will Show His Hand In Your Life - A Blessed Morning Prayer To Start Your Day

Do These 3 Things If You Wake Up At 3am - SAY This Powerful Morning Prayer


The Greatest of These Is Love – 1 Corinthians 13:13

 A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)

The Greatest of These Is Love

And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.

1 Corinthians 13:13 NET

How important is love? When Jesus was asked which commandment was the greatest, he responded with love. To love the Lord our God with all our being, and to love our neighbor as ourselves (Matt. 22:37-40). In the opening verses of this chapter, Paul described the nature of love. He then told us that, without love, nothing else we might do has any value.

Prophecy, tongues, and knowledge will cease. The Corinthian church highly valued these spiritual gifts. And they are good. But they are temporary. The Holy Spirit gives them as needed and for as long as they are needed. But not love. Love always has value and lasts beyond this finite life and into the future.

Faith, hope, and love remain. You find these three things when you strip the Christian life down to its core. Faith and trust as we walk with our Lord. Hope in the salvation and life that awaits us at the end of our journey of faith. And everything we do, tempered by love for God and those around us.

Love Never Ends

And the greatest of these three is love. When faith becomes sight, and hope is fulfilled, only love will remain. Love never ends.

Given the importance of love, should it not be a priority for me as a believer? The most important thing I can do as a believer is to love God with my whole being and to love those around me. Being spiritually gifted and serving in the church is secondary. 

Attending worship services, giving money to the church and other causes, reading my Bible, and even sharing my faith are all secondary. As good as all these things are, they have no value without love.