Friday, May 10, 2024

Will This Trigger a GLOBAL Crash?


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Defund the Universities That Create the Hate

Thanks to the Hamas-sponsored anti-Jewish and anti-Israel rallies happening on college campuses right now, what were once monolithically progressive and Biden-supporting Democrat enclaves in our country are quickly morphing into energetic Trump 2024 rallies. We are witnessing a nationwide tutorial on how to turn disinterested, pleasure-seeking youths into rabid Trump supporters.

What had seemed like an indestructible progressive monolith on campus has revealed some cracks, emboldening (finally) the sane commonsense students in their midst. They have learned that their progressive opponents aren’t very smart or well-informed, and their campus hegemony is not inevitable. Talk about unintended consequences. President Trump must be an evil genius after all.

Trump couldn’t have planned this any better. Could anything have inspired the graduating seniors at the University of Michigan, hardly a bastion of conservatism, to break out in chants of “USA, USA”? Probably nothing, except an interruption of their graduation ceremony by protesters from Black Lives Matters and Hamas. 

If those two groups join forces on America’s college campuses and take their show on the road for a tour of America’s cities this summer, get ready for a Trump landslide in November. Meanwhile, down at Louisiana State University and other southern schools, where one would expect such a reaction, a large crowd of students drowned out a Hamas protest with the same loud chants of “USA, USA.”

Republicans and conservatives generally have been unable to pull the masks off the rabid Marxists who run America’s universities to reveal their hateful ideology. Colleges have fought off attacks on their indoctrination of America’s youth by hiding behind credentialism and an aura of invincibility. It had started to seem like they were truly untouchable. 

But left-wing rallies are being overwhelmed by a tide of counterprotesters who believe in this country, who believe in truth and decency, and who are disgusted with the actions and hateful ideas of the radical rabble in the Hamas villages on our campuses.

What is being revealed in these Hamas villages? A university pedagogy based on “othering,” a pedagogy of grievance, of blame. In modern academic scholarship, soaked in racist paradigms and theories of oppression, someone is always getting screwed. Nothing is ever anyone’s fault. 

If you are in an oppressed group, you never have to take responsibility for your actions. If you’re oppressed, you have every right to be angry at your so-called oppressors, an anger which, continually stoked by ivory-tower academics and oppression-industry “sages,” quickly morphs into hate for the other party, the perceived oppressor.

Today it’s the Jews. The same people protesting, different target. But it’s all generated by the university grievance mill, which keeps the hate at a fever pitch. Fortunately, the Hamas protesters are revealing to everyone just how dangerous our university campuses have become and how poorly our young people are being formed intellectually. 

Are American Jews, threatened with murder now by their logic, responsible for the actions of the state of Israel? Military actions undertaken in self-defense? Actions to defend themselves from a brutal and inhumane attack by Hamas terrorists on innocent Israeli citizens, raping and murdering men, women, and children? CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE

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