Friday, March 15, 2024

Regardless Of Religion - How can Singapore remain united?

Perry Stone - Why People Struggle To Resist The Devil

Irans Shadow Over The Middle East & Sharm el-Sheikh - Marking The End Times

79yrs & Must Hear Her Worship! WHOLE HEART

Always Pray First Every Day (Watch How God Guide, Protect And Bless Your Day)

The Best Prayers To Bless Your Day - God Is Your Refuge And Strength

SEEK GOD WITH ALL OF YOUR HEART - Feed Your Faith And Experience Breakthroughs

Its Time For You To Start Believing In God's Promises - A Blessed Morning Prayer To Start Your Day

Biden Unelectable, Arbitrary Prosecution of Trump, Fed Not Cutting Rates

By Greg Hunter

The news you are about to read you can find nowhere else than  You have heard me talk about the “real” approval rating of Joe Biden. It’s been stuck at 9% for months.  I have two very good sources for this number:  One is Martin Armstrong with his “Socratees” program.  The other is a confidential source I know personally that I have to protect; otherwise, he could get fired from a very big tech company.  

The new news is from my confidential source, and he says that Biden’s real approval number is about 8%.  It’s gets worse.  My confidential source says on a deep data dive on Biden, he cannot win a single demographic.  Let that sink in.  JOE BIDEN CANNOT WIN A SINGLE DEMOGRAPHIC.  This has never happened in presidential polls.  When I asked what this means, my deep data mining source summed it up by saying “Biden is unelectable.” 

The so-called lawfare (like warfare) cases against Donald Trump are falling apart.  The Jack Smith “documents” case is going to get dismissed.  The Trump RICO case in Georgia is also going down in flames, and prosecutor Fani Willis is going to get dismissed.  The Alvin Bragg/Stormy Daniels case is going to get postponed, and it, too, will likely be dismissed.  

This is a disaster on the heels of the Supreme Court ruling 9-0 that Trump cannot be kept off any state ballot by desperate Democrats.  Are they going to give up or are they going to do something even more desperate and create a global war?  We will see.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is now saying the inflation she called “transitory” in 2021 is anything but transitory.  Looks like the Fed is going to be fighting inflation, and you do not do that by cutting interest rates.  So, the Fed is NOT going to cut interest rates as you have been told by the Lying Legacy Media over and over again.  

Credit card delinquencies are on the rise, and this, no doubt, is also a sign goods are getting more expensive for “We the People.”  You can put off your credit card payment, but you cannot put off eating—for long.

What Can I Hide from God? Jeremiah 23:23-24

 A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)

What Can I Hide from God?

Many of the false gods people have worshipped throughout history, including Jeremiah’s time, were limited in both time and space. They could travel from place to place, but only one place at a time. However, that is not true of God. One of his attributes is omnipresence – he is everywhere, and his presence fills the creation. And being everywhere, is there anything he does not know? An attribute we call omniscience.

These two verses come amid a passage where God, through Jeremiah, called out false prophets who claimed to speak in God’s name. God is telling these false prophets that he knows what they are doing and saying. Nothing is hidden from him. And these false prophets would be held accountable for what they are telling the people.

But this short passage does not just apply to false prophets. Each of us has our secret places, the inner recesses of our hearts and minds. The thoughts, feelings, and motives we keep hidden from other people. And we are often guilty of thinking they are also hidden from God.

God knows what is in my secret places. I cannot hide them from him. God knows all the ugliness that I keep locked away inside. He knows the unhealthy thoughts and feelings I struggle with. And he knows why I act and respond the way I do. Even better than I do.

Yet all too often, when I come before him, I pretend that ugliness is not there—that all is well. How much better is it to admit to him what he already knows? And to seek his help in taking out the garbage. Only then can I be truly clean, having an undivided heart and mind that honors and pleases my Lord.