Saturday, April 20, 2024

There Is More To This Current Bird Flu Panic Than Meets The Eye

End Of The American Dream

Why are global health officials issuing such ominous warnings about the bird flu?  Do they know something that the rest of us do not?  H5N1 has been circulating all over the planet for several years now, and it has been the worst outbreak that the world has ever seen.  Hundreds of millions of birds are already dead, and now H5N1 has been infecting mammals with alarming regularity.  The good news is that so far it has not been a serious threat to humans, but could that soon change?  According to the World Health Organization, the possibility that H5N1 could start spreading among humans is an 
“enormous concern”

The increasing spread of bird flu to humans is an ‘enormous concern’, the World Health Organization has warned.

The virus, an extremely deadly H5N1 subtype, has caused devastating declines in bird populations following its emergence in Europe in 2020.

It has since jumped to mammals such as cows, cats, seals and now people, raising the risk of the virus mutating to become more transmissible.

The fact that so many different types of mammals are now being infected is definitely alarming.

But perhaps cows would not be getting infected if we were not literally feeding them chicken crap

As epidemiologists scramble to figure out how dairy cows throughout the Midwest became infected with a strain of highly pathogenic avian flu — a disease that has decimated hundreds of millions of wild and farmed birds, as well as tens of thousands of mammals across the planet — they’re looking at a standard “recycling” practice employed by thousands of farmers across the country: The feeding of animal waste and parts to livestock raised for human consumption.

“It seems ghoulish, but it is a perfectly legal and common practice for chicken litter — the material that accumulates on the floor of chicken growing facilities — to be fed to cattle,” said Michael Hansen, a senior scientist with Consumers Union.

The Middle Eastern War Being Waged Across America’s Southern Border 

By Al Bienenfeld

The dangers from the steady stream of millions of unvetted migrants crossing illegally into our country should be clear to everyone. However, the most understated threat is that of terrorist infiltration. Reports of tens of thousands of military-age Middle Eastern men coming through should heighten everyone’s concerns about the potential for nation-ending terrorism.

The Mexican cartel drug trafficking is far worse than most might think. Terrorist organization Hezbollah has partnered with the cartels and is active south of our border in various countries, including Mexico, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Panama, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, and CuraƧao. They also operate their drug networks in America and Canada.

Multiple U.S. presidents have ignored this ongoing problem—although President Trump should be excluded from culpability since he vigorously fought for a wall to protect America’s southern border. Both Democrats and the Establishment Wing of his own party vigorously opposed his efforts. If Trump does not get back into office, the problems at our southern border will destabilize our country.

In 2011, Roger F. Noriega and Jose R. Cardenas were already warning about the mounting terrorism threat from Hezbollah in Latin America (emphasis added):

Over the last several years Hezbollah and its patrons in Iran have greatly expanded their operations in Latin America to the detriment of inter- American security and U.S. strategic interests. Today, Hezbollah is using the Western Hemisphere as a staging ground, fundraising center, and operational base to wage asymmetric warfare against the United States. Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez and other anti-American governments in the region have facilitated this expansion by rolling out the welcome mats for Hezbollah and Iran.

Already in 2011, estimates were that, in the tri-border area and elsewhere in Latin America, Islamic extremists were remitting $300-$500 million annually back to Middle East terrorists. This works with each Hezbollah cell operating like an independent, and extremely sophisticated “franchise.” Hezbollah operatives establish mosques and other Islamic centers and then begin to convert and recruit people, establish internet sites, utilize media broadcasting, and develop operational systems that oversee logistics, planning, surveillance, and mission execution.

As President Trump has noted, these terrorists are very smart. At least, they’re smarter than the vast majority of those in Washington who either downplay the danger they pose or, worse, completely ignore it. CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE

FBI Warns of Risk of Chinese Hack Attack on Energy Infrastructure

 By Charles Kennedy 

The director of the FBI has warned that the Chinese state has its sights set on U.S. critical infrastructure to compromise U.S. economic and national security.

Speaking at the Vanderbilt Summit on Modern Conflict and Emerging Threats, Christopher Wray said “The PRC [People’s Republic of China] has made it clear that it considers every sector that makes our society run as fair game in its bid to dominate on the world stage, and that its plan is to land low blows against civilian infrastructure to try to induce panic and break America’s will to resist.”

The head of the FBI also explained that the Chinese state has taken a hybrid approach to its efforts to weaken the United States, involving cybersecurity, counterintelligence, and crime.

The motivation for these efforts, according to Wray, was based on “driven by the CCP’s aspirations to wealth and power,” and the desire to “seize economic development in the areas most critical to tomorrow’s economy,” including through illegal means, such as theft.

With regard to critical infrastructure specifically, Wren said “The fact is, the PRC’s targeting of our critical infrastructure is both broad and unrelenting.”

“It’s using that mass, those numbers, to give itself the ability to physically wreak havoc on our critical infrastructure at a time of its choosing,” the head of the FBI also said.

Wray referred to an ongoing hack attack dubbed Volt Typhoon which had opened up access for the hackers to a number of U.S. companies including pipeline operators. China, however, has denied any connection to Volt Typhoon, which Beijing said was a ransomware group, per a Reuters report.

"Some in the US have been using origin-tracing of cyberattacks as a tool to hit and frame China, claiming the US to be the victim while it's the other way round, and politicizing cybersecurity issues," the Chinese embassy in Washington said, as quoted by Reuters.

"Man on the Middle Cross" by Rhett Walker (Sign Language)

God Will Take Anguish Out of Your Heart

How To Move On, Let Go & Leave Your Past Behind You

PRAYER IS POWERFUL - God Blesses When You Pray

GIVE GOD THANKS - Blessed Prayers To Start Your Day

SAY This Prayer Of Protection In Times Of War And Chaos

We've Entered a Dangerous New Era!

The Breath of Life – Job 34:14

 A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)

What is life? The dictionary defines life as “the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.” But that only tells us how to distinguish life from non-life. It does not tell us what life actually is. What is that thing whose loss changes me from living to dead?

I am not a biologist and am not up on the latest research in the field. But as far as I know, the answer to this question is still a mystery to science. The Bible does have an answer to this mystery, though.

But Moses and Aaron fell facedown and cried out, “O God, the God who gives breath to all living things . . .”

Numbers 16:22 NIV

God Is the Source of Life

God gives breath–or life–to all living things. Biochemical processes function when life is present, but they are the result of life being present, not the cause of life. God is the source of all life, whether that be a tree, a bug, a bacteria, or a human.

If God were to set his heart on it,
and gather in his spirit and his breath,
all flesh would perish together
and human beings would return to dust.

Job 34:14-15 NET

It is the breath of God that gives life to all living things. And, as Elihu says here in his speech to Job, if God were to withdraw his spirit and breath, all living things would die and turn to dust. Only by the ongoing breath of God within us do we continue to live.

God alone has life eternal and uncaused. The life of all other things comes from his uncaused life and depends on it. As Paul says in Acts 17:28, “For in him we live and move and have our being.”

But what will we do with that gift of life, the breath of God? Will we honor him as our creator, seeking him and the eternal life he offers? Or will we waste it pursuing earthly pleasures and riches, missing out on true riches and life eternal?