Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Zach Williams, Dolly Parton - There Was Jesus

God Help Me To Believe More In You - A Blessed Morning Prayer To Begin Your Day

Have Faith In God Because God’s Promises are Yes and Amen

A Prayer For Wisdom And Understanding - Guide Me In Your Wisdom, Oh God

Perry Stone - After The Eclipse

Finding Favor with God Exodus 33:13

 A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)

Finding Favor with God

Now if I have found favor in your sight, show me your way, that I may know you, that I may continue to find favor in your sight.

Exodus 33:13a NET

Do you have a desire to be in a growing relationship with God? That was Moses’ desire. And so his prayer can serve as a model for all of us who are seeking to grow in our faith and walk with our Lord.

Moses based his prayer on God’s favor. Moses had found favor in God’s sight–he was someone God cared about. And because of that, Moses could make his request to God. We should have that same confidence in approaching God in prayer. That, as his children, he is favorably inclined toward us.

The Example of Moses’ Prayer

At the heart of Moses’ prayer was that God would show him his ways. God had been leading him up to this point. But Moses wanted more. He asked God to continue to lead and teach him in the days and years to come. And that should also be our daily prayer, that God would show us his ways–teaching us from his word. The way we should be going. And the way God is working in the world around us.

One desired result of Moses’ prayer was that he would know God. He already knew him, having encountered him at the burning bush, on Mt Sinai, and throughout the exodus from Egypt. But Moses wanted to know God even more. And that should be our desire as well. To be continually growing in our knowledge and relationship with our Lord, never satisfied with where we are.

A second desired result of Moses’ prayer was that he would continue to find favor with God. Moses wanted to please God. And he knew the way to find favor with God was to continue to grow in his understanding of God and his ways, along with obedience to him. God is most pleased with us when we are growing in our faith, our knowledge of God, and our obedience to him.