Tuesday, April 23, 2024

IMF Issues Warning to Biden Admin on Out-of-Control Deficit Spending

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has sounded the alarm on the Biden administration’s high deficit spending, warning that its fiscal stance and ballooning public debt threaten to stoke inflation and possibly even spark financial chaos.

“The fiscal stance, out of line with long-term fiscal sustainability, is of particular concern,” IMF economists wrote in a recent blog post, which accompanied the release of the group’s latest editions of the its Fiscal Monitor and its World Economic Outlook Report, which both warn of acute risks to public finances in an election year in which much of the political discourse is loudly in favor of fiscal expansion.
Deficit spending in the United States last year hit $1.7 trillion in 2023, or 6.3 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), according to a recent report from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), which warned that deficit spending that adds to a growing pile of public debt would slow economic growth and drive up interest payments to foreign holders of U.S. debt.
Over the next 30 years, U.S. deficit spending is expected to grow to 8.5 percent of GDP by 2054, per CBO estimates. The agency also projects that the total public debt-to-GDP ratio, which in the 1980s was around 35 percent of GDP, will balloon to 166 percent by 2054, posing “significant risks” to America’s fiscal and economic outlook.
Treasury Department data released earlier in April show that the U.S. budget deficit topped $1 trillion in the first six months of fiscal year 2024, putting the federal government on track to notch its fifth consecutive trillion-dollar-plus budget gap.

Republicans have repeatedly expressed opposition to high deficit spending, while President Joe Biden has called out the GOP for pushing budget cuts and tried to pin the blame for catapulting the public debt to over $34 trillion on President Donald Trump’s tax cuts.
‘Something will have to give,’ the IMF warned of high deficit spending and the risk that it could spiral further out of control in an election year.

Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You


#10 – JP Morgan CEO issues urgent warning to America. 

#9 – Mainstream media fails to mention “showers with dad” and molestation claims after Ashely Biden diary leaker is jailed. 

#8 – FBI quietly releases unclassified file on Ashli Babbitt…during the solar eclipse. 

#7 – A new WEF report reveals the global elites’ shocking plan to enforce vaccination. 

#6 – Dr. Phil brutally destroys DEI advocate in under 40 seconds. 

#5 – Joe Rogan drops theory explaining why most doctors are silent on COVID vax injuries and deaths. 

#4 – Alex Jones to sue FBI and CIA after undercover video reveals feds targeted him. 

#3 – Former CBS reporter accuses network of “journalistic rape” for barring her efforts to “expose government corruption.” 

#2 – Incriminating audio captures Biden telling his ghostwriter, “I just found all the classified documents stuff downstairs.” 

#1 – Esteemed Japanese professor blows the whistle on the entire COVID scam. Plus, an exclusive interview with Martin Armstrong on the future of the world’s economy. 


Preparing to Win


By T.S. Weidler

The American identity and national way of life stand on the brink of total disintegration, dependency, and slavery.

The machines of men and demons incrementally ratchet the gears tighter with each passing day, while the people of this nation have steadfastly ignored the warnings and alarms issued by the timeless Scriptures and wisdom of old. 

There is a great and terrible time of judgment quickly approaching that will overthrow what is left of the American way of life.

This nation is sound asleep. The shrewd and subtle ways of evil operate like a dimmer switch turned down on hundred-year increments so that no one notices until things are truly dark. We live in these times, crowding into ever smaller islands of light where everyone acts as though it is normal. 

It is not normal. This is the present circumstance of the United States. We are on the road to perdition. It is wide, well-travelled, and has no speed limit until the destruction at the bottom.

This coming destruction is a form of God’s righteous judgement, and when it comes it will be righteous and much deserved. There is a kind of comfort in knowing that God’s judgment is just. 

All his works are good, and we ought to praise him, even if it is our own nation that is under judgment. This is the correct posture towards God in this moment and it points us toward our future deliverance as well.


To trace the roots of this societal collapse would require a long road back. It goes past the feminist revolution that celebrated feminine discontentment and normalized divorce, past the industrial revolution that separated man from his land and family. It goes past the capture of institutions by Marxists and the theology of greed and discontentment. 

It goes past progressive education over a hundred years ago, past naturalism and Darwinism, past the rise of theological liberalism. It goes past the victory of Washington D.C. over the states, past Hegel, Kant, and the European enlightenment. It goes all the way back. We are a sinful people born as slaves to sin.

The human race is destined to slavery of some sort. We will be slaves to our appetites and indulgences, or we will deny ourselves, submit to God and declare him our Lord.

When a people turns from submission to Christ and turns toward self-indulgence, it inevitably becomes enslaved. First the slavery is a soft slavery to appetite and comfort, but it does not take long for tyrants to rise on promises of greater comforts and indulgences. 

In this way, enslavement to government does not appear as tyranny, but as benevolence and provision. Later, when the governments of men bring war and disaster on their people, their comforts come under threat. 

At this point the ever-larger government swoops in with a greater power grab and all the fat slaves of comfort rush to bow to their new savior.

In this way, all rejection of God’s lordship inevitably leads to enslavement to men. It is one or the other. The fear of God will keep men humble under His righteous authority, or the fear of man will keep men enslaved under man’s tyrannical authority. 

America has chosen to trust in the comforts of men rather than God, and it will reap what it sows.





“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.” – Thomas Jefferson in a letter to John Adams


I think that is a profound question, as this country has already split into at least two enemy camps, with the leftists already fighting the war using any means necessary. Laws and morality no longer matter during this time of coming conflict. Knowing we are in the back end of this Fourth Turning, there is a high likelihood of civil and/or global war in the next few years. 

Whenever I point this out, many scorn the possibility of civil war. Some think keyboard warriors will never actually have the guts to get into a shooting war with the government and/ or leftist fanatics.

I was hoping the movie would provide some thought provoking fodder giving me an inkling of what might be on the near term horizon. The movie is more about the journalist characters traveling from NYC to Washington DC in order to get an interview with the embattled president. 

There was no background regarding what started the civil war, who were the good guys, and whether the entire country was involved. The entire movie took place in the eastern U.S. My observations are as follows:

  • The conflict was between the Western Forces versus the existing U.S. government forces. The Western Forces constituted Texas and California, with Florida leaning in their direction. It was not clear whether all the states chose a side. Since both sides had high tech military weapons, the assumption is the U.S. military split its allegiance. That means rogue generals did what southern generals did in 1860.

  • For most of the movie, you can’t tell who is fighting who. That seems realistic in a civil war scenario. The scene where the journalists are asked “What kind of American are you?” captures how confusing and chaotic it would be. I don’t think the guy dressed in military garb is on either side. They were dumping bodies into a hole. 

  • Without anyone to enforce laws, warlords will rise up and execute retribution on locals they consider enemies. Every local community will become a battleground. Neighbors versus neighbors, families versus families. With 300 million guns, there will be blood.

  • Two characters let it be known that their parents have stayed on their farms in Missouri and Colorado, pretending their is no civil war. They seemed dismayed that they wouldn’t choose sides. That made me wonder whether those who choose to not participate in the coming civil war will be able to work their farms in peace. 

  • Since modern society will come to a grinding halt, with shortages of fuel and food, I’m afraid small farmers will come under attack by the hungry masses. It will be essential for small communities of like minded folk to form militias to protect their farms and communities.

  • We all know our existing uni-party government is corrupt, evil and hates us. Whether we call it the Deep State, corrupt oligarchy, or corporate fascist totalitarians, it is clear they are our enemy. They are continuing to implement their Great Reset/Great Taking scheme, and will only be stopped through violent means. 

  • This movie did not take sides, but did imply the existing government will be defeated. The question is who or what takes their place. Sadly, it is unlikely that a republic will be reborn from the ashes of this empire of debt, delusion and decay.

Civil War was a sobering and depressing movie. I think it is a foreshadowing of what lies ahead. Innocent people will die. Senseless slaughter will be the norm. The boundaries between good and evil will blur. Right and wrong will become meaningless. 

It will be unclear who are the good guys and who are the bad guys. Conflict is upon us. Will the cessation of our Constitution before the upcoming election be the spark that starts this civil war? Where and when will our Fort Sumter moment happen? I don’t know, but I fear it is close upon us.


YOU WILL OVERCOME - Begin Your Day Listening To This

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This Is The Most Important Warning The Bible Gave Us About Demons


How to enjoy the wonders that God has prepared for you

The Battle Within – Romans 7:15

 A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)

For I don’t understand what I am doing. For I do not do what I want—instead, I do what I hate.

Romans 7:15 NET

In Romans 7:14-22, Paul described a battle that raged within him. It was a battle between two natures. On one side was the flesh, his old sinful nature, the nature we are all born with. On the other side of the battle was the new Paul, crucified, buried, and resurrected with Christ. It was a battle between the old man and the new man.

There is a debate about whether Paul is describing his current situation or his pre-Christian experience. But I find it very descriptive of my own experience as a believer. Before coming to faith, I had little interest in doing what God wanted from me. But now, as a believer, I do want to obey him. But my old self is still hanging on, and I frequently find myself giving in to it.

We often consider sin to be things we do that are against God’s laws, such as breaking one of the Ten Commandments. When described that way, I can feel pretty good about myself. But sin is more than that. The word means “to miss the mark.” It is just as much about what I fail to do as what I do. And that is, for me at least, the big battle.

The Battle Is Personel

In my spirit–the new me–I want to fully surrender to my Lord, trusting him in every part of my life. But the flesh–the old me–is lazy and self-centered. The battle is between being the person I believe God wants me to be and the person I am comfortable being. I start each day with a commitment to give the day to my Lord. 

But when I come to the end of the day, I often find that I have fallen short. I waste too much time on meaningless activities. I frequently fail to love my neighbor as I should. Sometimes, I find that I have been guilty of being judgmental. And on and on the list goes.

As I struggle with this, Paul’s concluding words give me hope: “Wretched man that I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!” (Rom. 7:24-25). I can have victory through what Jesus has done for me, and through the Holy Spirit he has given me. The battle may be challenging, but it is not hopeless. So I keep fighting, and with his help, I find progress slowly being made.