Monday, March 18, 2024

Roadmap to Armageddon - #1 Psalm 83 war

The Power of Perspective - Good Word with Jimmy Evans

The April 8th Eclipse, What You Need To Know: MUST SEE

The Bible speaks clearly of God’s love for us and His plan to save us. Here are the simple steps to find God and be “born again.”

  1. Be certain of your need for God. If you think you can handle life on your own, then you’ll probably never find God. You must recognize your own sinfulness and your inability to solve it.
  2. Understand the cross. God sent His only Son to earth to die on a cross for you and your sins. This is the solution we can’t provide for ourselves.
  3. Count the cost. The Christian life isn’t easy and there are things to do for those who follow Jesus, but it’s worth it many times over and God promises to be with you.
  4. Accept Jesus publicly. The Bible says, “So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven, but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 10:32-32).
  5. Let God change your life. This step represents the beginning. Your new life starts the moment you receive Jesus. He will work through you as you remain faithful, pray, read your Bible, attend church, and tell others about what He has done for you.

Reasons To Trust In God - A Blessed Morning Prayer To Pray Every Day

Fishing for Miracles • Priscilla Shirer



Twelve Legions of Angels Matthew 26:53-54

 A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)

Twelve Legions of Angels

Or do you think that I cannot call on my Father, and that he would send me more than twelve legions of angels right now? How then would the scriptures that say it must happen this way be fulfilled?”

Matthew 26:53-54 NET

A large crowd, armed with swords and clubs, had been sent to arrest Jesus. When they arrived at the garden where Jesus was, his disciples sought to defend him. But Jesus stopped them, telling them he could call up more than twelve legions of angels to protect him. But that would be contrary to the plan foretold in the Scripture.

On the surface, this seems to be Jesus telling his disciples that he willingly went to the cross. He could have stopped it if he had chosen to. And that was certainly true. But there is much more to this than that.

The Jews of Jesus’ day, including his disciples, were looking for the restoration of a physical Jewish kingdom, with a descendant of David throwing out the Romans and claiming the throne. The disciples, along with many others, hoped Jesus was that descendant of David — the Messiah who would free Israel from the Romans.

That expectation is what Jesus addressed in this passage. He could have called up more than twelve legions of angels — an unstoppable fighting force. And they would easily have been able to throw out the Romans and establish the kingdom the disciples sought.

But that would be contrary to the Scriptures that said the kingdom would be established via the cross (Acts 26:22-23). Going the military route and avoiding the cross might be appealing. But the cross was essential for the establishment of God’s kingdom. A kingdom that did conquer the Roman empire via the message of the cross.

And that remains true today. The kingdom of God advances, not through military means, but through the message of the cross. A message that seems foolish to many. But it is the power of God for the salvation of those who believe (1 Cor. 1:18-25).