Thursday, January 30, 2025


 How to Carry Gold In a Post-Collapse World

How Many Genders Have We Got?

Inflation Storm Leaves Americans More Reliant On Food Banks

Democrats for Infanticide

If America Seeks To Be ‘Politically Great,’ It Must First Be Morally Good

The U.S. And China Are Engaged In A High Stakes Battle For Technological Dominance – And The U.S. Is Starting To Lose

We Must Prepare To Persevere Until The End

89 Seconds to Midnight: The Doomsday Clock from God’s Perspective

Its Not Just The Mark That You Have To Be Worried About (There's MORE!)


The Ancient Demons That Control Our Government

🤨 Rage Bait is ON 🤨



Seek God with All Your Heart and Witness His Miracles in Your Life - A Blessed Morning Prayer

What Does the Bible Say about Being a Good Friend?

Is there anything sweeter than a true and honest friendship? 

The kind of friend that you can share life with and be able to open up your raw and somewhat messy heart knowing there won’t be judgment, only sincere understanding, wrapped with wisdom and grace.

The truth is, we all need good friends. But even more, we were created for this tender kind of relationship because we were never meant to do this life alone. God made us for so much more, and He gives us the blessing and precious gift of friendship to be able to understand the depths of His love.

Fellow brother or sister, we serve a relational God and He lays out for us in His Word a hierarchy for our relationships. First and foremost, God wants a connection with us, as He deeply desires to be in tune with our hearts, mind, and soul (Deuteronomy 6:4). 

As for our human relations, God gives us the gift found in the sacred union of marriage and blesses a man and woman when they stand before Him, say their vows, and profess their commitment to one another (Genesis 2:24). 

Our gracious God gives us the blessings of children and calls us to raise them up in the faith (Psalm 127:4). 

He also gives us relationships with our parents and extended family, commanding us to honor, respect, and care for our family members (Ephesians 6:2-3, 1 Timothy 5:8).

Yet, when it comes to friendship, God shares with us in His Word how to choose our friends wisely (Proverbs 12:26), how to be a good friend (Romans 12:10), and why this relationship is so invaluable to us as believers (Proverbs 27:9). 

So, what are the markings of a Biblically good friend? Grab your Bible and let’s dig in so we can discover what God has to say!

A Good Friend Walks by Faith

"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17

Jesus often sent His disciples out two by two into the mission field. 

This could have been for a number of reasons, including their safety, but because we serve a God that holds a greater plan and a deeper purpose, maybe it was also used for their spiritual growth. 

He knew as two “brothers” would come together and serve Him that they would shape, mold, and sharpen one another. 

So, it begs to question are the friends that walk beside you helping you grow closer to Jesus?

🍳 WHY Eggs are SO Expensive Now~The Real Timeline Revelation13:11-18