Saturday, May 18, 2024

What has Biden accomplished in his presidency? Devastation 

By Patricia McCarthy

Biden and his sycophants in the media sing his praises on a daily basis, pretending he has been an effective president. 

In fact, all he has accomplished is desecration on every level. 

From the moment he took office, he set out to destroy the country. 

He began by shutting down the Keystone XL pipeline, which cost about ten thousand pipeline jobs and thousands more support jobs. 

He stopped the construction of the border wall and opened the border to as many as ten million migrants from all over the world.  

Not surprisingly, crime is up in every city where these illegal entrants to the U.S. have been transported, often at our expense, in congregated numbers:  New York City, Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, San Diego, Boston, and every city along the Southern border. 

The demography of the nation has been irreparably altered.  Diseases conquered long ago are back, brought by these migrants who long lacked and now expect free health care at taxpayer expense.  Governors like Gavin Newsom of California are only too happy to further bankrupt their states to provide for them.

The sudden, careless withdrawal from Afghanistan was perhaps the biggest and most humiliating military blunder in U.S. history

Left behind was Bagram air base, now in China’s hands.  Billions of dollars in state-of-the-art military equipment were relinquished to the Taliban, and Biden still sends them money.  He continues to send money to Iran, which is funding Hezb'allah’s war against Israel.  He sends money to Hamas, as vicious and barbaric a terrorist organization as Hezb'allah.  Now he is “pausing” needed precision weapons for Israel

Biden long ago sold out his country for money.  He has long been the most corrupt member of Congress and has always used his position to enrich himself and his family.   He has never worked to the benefit of his constituents or the American people.  When the truth is revealed, we will all know that Biden and his family are a criminal enterprise that rivals the Mafia for depth of corruption. 

Despite the ruling by the SCOTUS, Biden continues to forgive billions of dollars in unpaid student loans, leaving it to the working people who did not go to college to pay for the deadbeats and wealthy upper middle-class borrowers who did.  Biden has no respect for any court that defies his unconstitutional agenda.  

The weaponization of the FBI and DOJ that began under Obama has escalated to the point that they are tyrannous, third-world agencies of a corrupt regime.  The lawfare they use to persecute Trump is reminiscent of Stalin, Venezuela's Chavez, or Brazil's Lula.  They have mounted Maoist show trials, complete with struggle sessions.  That is what the J6 persecutions and imprisonments are, Maoist.  They mean to break those of us who oppose their anti-American communist goals.

The Biden regime also, for reasons that defy understanding, has relentlessly pushed transgenderism and all that that particularly pathetic form of mental illness entails – the mutilation of humans, many of them children.


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