Sunday, March 10, 2024

Turned into a Pillar of Salt – Genesis 19:26

Turned into a Pillar of Salt

Two angels came to Sodom, experienced first-hand how wicked the city was, and then dragged Lot and his family out and told them to flee the coming destruction. Once Lot and his family were safely away, fire and brimstone destroyed Sodom. But Lot’s wife looked back. And as a result, she turned into a pillar of salt.

We often picture this as happening as they fled. But the angels had told Lot that the destruction would not occur until they had safely reached a small town (Gen. 19:22). And Lot had reached the town (Gen. 19:23) before sulfur and fire rained down on Sodom. So, looking back was not just a quick glance over her shoulder as she ran. She had made it to a safe refuge and then looked back.

Why was she turned into a pillar of salt? This is a question that many ask. It is hard to imagine that she was the only person in this small town who watched the destruction of Sodom. Lot and his two daughters must have also been watching. So why just Lot’s wife?

The word the NET translates as “looked longingly,” means to “look at, gaze at, or consider.” Lot and his daughters probably looked at the destruction of Sodom with relief that they had escaped. In contrast, Lot’s wife was mourning the life she had given up in Sodom.

Lot’s wife had been saved from the destruction of Sodom. But her heart was back in Sodom and the life she had there. And it cost her dearly. In Luke 17:32, as Jesus taught his disciples about his coming return, he told them to remember Lot’s wife, one who looked back with longing at the life she had left behind.

Where is your heart? Is it with the Lord? Or is it with the world we are supposed to leave behind? A world facing destruction. Remember Lot’s wife! Don’t be left behind when our Lord returns for his people.

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